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Excel Services es o no es un WEB Service. May 31, 2010

Posted by juanpablo1manrique in BI, Business Inteligent, Excel 2007, Excel Services, SharePoint, WebPart.
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Pues si y no, empecemos con el NO

Excel Services tiene gran cantidad de funcionalidades bastante interesante las cuales permiten que por medio de Presentación de archivos de Excel utilizando ExcelWEBAccess, tener en un ambiente web funcionalidades interesantes como búsquedas, presentación de zonas definidas utilizando DefineNames, permite cálculos de formato y cálculos entre celdas, etc.
Ahora el Si, (WebService).

Pero igualmente podemos utilizar el WEBService el cual expone varios metodos WEB para realizar modificaciones sobre archivos de Excel que se encuentren en una librería de documentos de SharePoint.

La dirección de acceso de este Web Service es http://server/_vti_bin/excelservice.asmx?WSDL
El cual expone los siguientes métodos.
Calculate ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeCoordinates As RangeCoordinates ) As ArrayOfStatus

CalculateA1 ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeName As string ) As ArrayOfStatus

CalculateWorkbook ( sessionId As string ,  calculateType As CalculateType ) As ArrayOfStatus

CancelRequest ( sessionId As string ) As ArrayOfStatus

CloseWorkbook ( sessionId As string ) As ArrayOfStatus

GetApiVersion ( ) As string

GetCell ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  row As int ,  column As int ,  formatted As boolean ) As ArrayOfStatus

GetCellA1 ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeName As string ,  formatted As boolean ) As ArrayOfStatus

GetRange ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeCoordinates As RangeCoordinates ,  formatted As boolean ) As ArrayOfAnyType

GetRangeA1 ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeName As string ,  formatted As boolean ) As ArrayOfAnyType

GetSessionInformation ( sessionId As string ) As string

GetWorkbook ( sessionId As string ,  workbookType As WorkbookType ) As base64Binary

OpenWorkbook ( workbookPath As string ,  uiCultureName As string ,  dataCultureName As string ) As string

Refresh ( sessionId As string ,  connectionName As string ) As ArrayOfStatus

SetCell ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  row As int ,  column As int ,  cellValue As ) As ArrayOfStatus

SetCellA1 ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeName As string ,  cellValue As ) As ArrayOfStatus

SetRange ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeCoordinates As RangeCoordinates ,  rangeValues As ArrayOfAnyType ) As ArrayOfStatus

SetRangeA1 ( sessionId As string ,  sheetName As string ,  rangeName As string ,  rangeValues As ArrayOfAnyType ) As ArrayOfStatus

Para consultar una celda pueden utilizar el siguiente código

    Private Sub _GetCell()
        Dim sessionId As String = Nothing
        Dim cellValue As Object = Nothing
        Dim objExcelService As New shphost.ExcelService()
        Dim status As shphost.Status() = Nothing
            objExcelService.UseDefaultCredentials = True
            objExcelService.SoapVersion = Services.Protocols.SoapProtocolVersion.Soap12
            sessionId = objExcelService.OpenWorkbook(_workbookPath, “en-US”, “en-US”, status)
            ‘ Retrieve the data from the referenced cell.
            cellValue = objExcelService.GetCell(sessionId, _sheetName, _row, _column, True, status)
            _cell = cellValue
        Catch ex As SoapException
            Dim objLog As New EventViewerLog
            objLog.CreateLogSharePointComponents(“An error has occurred.SOAPException” & ex.Message)
            _cell = “An error has occurred.” & ex.Message
        Catch ex As System.Exception
            Dim objLog As New EventViewerLog
            objLog.CreateLogSharePointComponents(“An error has occurred.Normal Exception” & ex.Message)
            _cell = “An error has occurred.” & ex.Message
                If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionId) Then
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                Dim objLog As New EventViewerLog
                objLog.CreateLogSharePointComponents(“An error has occurred.Finally Exception” & ex.Message)
            End Try
        End Try
    End Sub

Failed to download excel services chart March 19, 2010

Posted by juanpablo1manrique in Excel Services, Graficas, Graphics.
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Excel services es una maravilla para mostrar reportes y gráficas. Hace algunos días habia publicado algunas gráficas y hoy al inicio del día al intentar ingresar a la gráfica salio un error.

Failed to download excel services chart

Para arreglar este error es necesario ingresar a la configuración de excel services en el ShareService Provider y en las opciones de
Memory Cache Threshold
Maximum Unused Object Age

Mover los settings al maximo posible. Se debe tener en cuenta que el servidor donde se este trabajando tenga buena RAM y buen procesador o seguramente se sufrirán problemas de Performace.
